
Matt Stratton | Mar 10, 2003 min read

On my desk right now are two wonderful, wonderful things.

They are two Digi-Beta cassettes…one copy each of the Dancing With Gaia digital master.

The film is done.

It’s not a great film. I’m not even sure if right now I consider it a good film. But it’s a done film.

A friend of mine watched it tonight – and he had some really insightful comments on his interpretation of what the film was about. It was really great to hear; I’ve been so hung up on the technical side of this movie, worrying about whether people will think it “looks” good…that I haven’t thought as much about what the movie is saying.

In his mind, it’s clearly saying something. Something important either. That makes me happy.

Any way you slice it, I’ve got the film finished. It’s been a long road, but this part is now done.
