I have a headache.
I’m still working out a ton, even though I stopped posting “workout logs”. So don’t worry. However, I haven’t lost any more weight. In fact, I have gained. But that’s okay I guess.
Put the deposit down on the wedding invitations yesterday. Went through the guest list to format it the way the invitation person needs it. Wondered if maybe we could just email some of these people and save some money. Didn’t dare suggest that.
Bought a new suit at Target last night to wear for the bachelor party. Laugh all you want, but I like clothes from Target. My favorite jeans are from Target. We worship the Red.
Rain sucks.
Finally watched Sunday’s BSG yesterday (yay working from home!) It was dope. Perhaps the dopest part was seeing the previews for next week, when it looks like there will be awesome bad-assery. And some Cylons. Which is good, since I forgot what they look like, it’s been so long since we’ve seen one.