Crafty Haiku

Matt Stratton | Sep 22, 2006 min read

Originally uploaded by Matt Stratton.

For all of you clever folks out there, our friend Angie is rocking out with some kind of haiku contest to win yarn or something.

Cara at January One blog is offering me beautiful yarn if I can impress her with my yarny Haiku. Plus, I’d just like to see your crazy ideas.

“How to win: WRITE A HAIKU. But not just any haiku. YOU MUST USE AT LEAST THREE OF THE FOLLOWING WORDS IN YOUR HAIKU: january, one, rock(s), jet, fall, sheep, wool, feet (or foot), knit, yarn, pirate, fest, dude, fantastic, worm (that is WORM. With an O. My 5.5 yr old nephew gave me that one.) AND EVERY HAIKU MUST USE THE WORD SOCK. (So that means FOUR REQUIRED WORDS.)”

So if you’re feeling especially creative and saucy, cruise over to her blog and post some haiku.