We had quite a few fun adventures this weekend…here’s a brief recap.
Friday was initially intended to be a “chill at home and go to bed early” night. We walked down to Feed the Beast to have some dinner and then planned on heading home. Right before we left for dinner, however, I got an urgent voicemail from Ryan M in NYC – long story short, he was heading to Vegas forlordjulius‘s bachelor party, but he was going to be stuck in an overnight layover in Chicago. I told him he could stay at our house, and that I’d pick him up from the airport.
I picked Ryan up at about 11 PM or so, and we heading back to the Square. We sat on the balcony drinking beers and chatting until about 2 am, when we hit the hay. He was off to ORD at 5:30 AM or so. It was pretty cool to see him, since it’s been quite a time, and well worth the late night.
On Saturday, Carrie and I got up early and headed down to Kankakee to do a canoe trip. It’s a little over an hour long drive down there, so we planned to just do a day trip. We made a reservation for the 10:30 trip, which was 12 miles long. The website said it took between 4-6 hours, so we thought okay, we’ll be done around 4 or 5, and be home by six.
We got to the river around 11 (they have to drive you from the outfitter to the put-in point), so we were in the water and off by then. Since we were a group of one canoe, we were the first ones of the 10:30 trip to be on our way (all the other groups had to get their beer organized, etc). We also booked like hell when we started, so we could put some distance between us and the large groups behind.
We did a pretty good job of working together, given that we’d never canoed together before. We did discover that we were more efficient with me in the rear and Carrie in the front. Anyway, they had told us that when we passed the first bridge, we were halfway. When we went under that bridge, I asked Carrie what time it was.
“12:30,” she replied.
So yeah, we were halfway through the 6 hour trip in an hour and a half.
By the time we finished (which included a couple instances of pulling over at sandbars to get in the water and cool off), it was about 2:30 PM or so. All said and done, we did the trip in about 3 1/2 hours. We were back at the outfitters by 3 PM, and got home a little before 5 (we stopped for Dairy Queen on the way home).
It was a pretty fun trip. We’re hoping to see if we can do it again this summer and maybe get some other folks to join us.
Saturday night we spent hanging out in the yard with our neighbors and Brian, who came to hang out to have a baby-free night. It was a good, chill night.
On Sunday we went to church in the morning, and then drove out to Yorktown to see Hairspray, which was a really fun movie. After the flick we went to my mom’s house for dinner, looked at wedding pictures, saw my sister before she heads back to school, and then headed home.
Good weekend. I liked it.