Big weekend plans

Matt Stratton | Jul 21, 2006 min read

Cindy gives Amy a lift
Originally uploaded by Matt Stratton.

Tonight Carrie and I are joining her friend Heather at Soldier Field for the Bon Jovi concert.

Hey, it’s what Heather wanted for her birthday.

Then, this weekend, we’re off to Warren Dunes to do a night of camping with Angie and Brian. Looks like the weather will hold out for us, too. Sweet.

This picture has nothing to do with my post, but it’s the highest level of “interestingness” of my whole collection on Flickr. So I thought I’d post it. Because, as you may recall, I’d decided to post at least one picture in every LJ entry. And as you can see, I didn’t quite do that every time. I suck at the internet.