A Yankee fan’s response to Red Sox faithful:
I’d love to have some sort of snappy thing to say about Johnny Damon getting booed, but I don’t. From a Yankee fan’s perspective, I was actually hoping he’d get at least SOME cheers. Alas, he didn’t. The fans holding up “Judas Damon” posters and “Johnny, We Hardly Knew Ye” posters are fucking idiots, and if they ever decide to go look for a new job that pays them better, and their old job declines to match the new job’s offer so they take the new job instead, I will go to their cubicle/gas station/hot dog stand and boo them in turn.
I love it. I mean, I realize that Johnny Damon returning to Fenway is (apparently) the BIGGEST FUCKING DEAL IN ALL OF MAJOR LEAGUE HISTORY OH NOES1!!11!!11, but I do have to agree that if you like a player, you like the player. Johnny Damon didn’t personally go and fuck all of those Red Sox fans up the ass, and he (probably) didn’t sleep with their sisters.