As asked by shanabanana and divajess…

Matt Stratton | Feb 6, 2004 | 3 min read

As asked by :

1. For serious, what’s the deal with “for serious”? Seriously.

I think I picked it up from Lippy, who I think bastardized it from Homestar.

2. What’s a decision you’ve made that didn’t seem like a big deal at the time but turned out to be largely influential in your life?

Trying out for “You Can’t Take It With You” my sophomore year in high school. I was doing it mostly to show up my jackass speech team partner, and because of that, I pursued theatre all through high school and then into college.

3. What’s something you have to have ‘just so’?

Lots of things. Among them…my wallet has to be in my pocket just so…the windows and icons on my computer…books and videos have to be lined up…I’m kind of OCD.

4. What annoys you the most when you see it on an online discussion board?


5. How do you eat a Kit Kat bar?

Naked. How do YOU eat them?

As asked by :

1. If you could go back and have a do-over on any particular period in your life, when would it be (if at all)?

I think I would “do-over” the time that we shot Gaia; there’s a lot of things I would do differently.

2. What is the most important decision that you have ever made?

Deciding to *not* move to San Diego in 1999. If I had, I never would have met Dallas, never would have made movies, and all sorts of other things would have been so very different.

3. If your apartment caught on fire and you only had time to grab 5 items, which would they be and why?

My powerbook – it’s got everything on it. It’s my weapon, my tool, and my lover.

My cell phone – figure I’d have to get a hold of people since my house just burnt down.

My wallet – again, useful to have when your house is gone.

The box of digital master tapes for all GTF projects – completely irreplaceable.

A jar of pickles – I’d probably be hungry.

4. What is your dream vacation?

Going to Australia and hiking in the outback. For serious.

5. If you could spend a whole day with me, what would you plan for us to go do? 

First I’d take you shopping to stores you wanna shop in, and then we’d do a little lunch, probably at the Cheese Haus, followed by some golfing. And then at night, we’d take in an opera, probably Die Fledermaus, and then I’d follow it up with a drive to a secluded beach where I’d pop on the radio and we could slow-dance till the sun came up.