A short story with no ‘L’

Matt Stratton | Feb 17, 2010 min read

I’m having a hard time getting motivated this evening to write a post on my website. I decided to revisit a certain website that aids in the creation of content by creating “prompts”…I’d share with you the name of this site, but it contains a certain character that has been prohibited from this post.

On with our story!

In the kingdom of Drantasia, there existed a unicorn who was known by the name of Dave. Most of the creatures in Drantasia had fantastic names, such as Wootir, Froomarsh, and Rikomatic, but not Dave. His name was of a more mundane bent, which provided him with no end of embarrassment.

As fortune would have it, a recession hit the kingdom of Drantasia. The entire treasury of rainbow beads and candy was emptied, and it was up to Dave to provide for the entire kingdom. Why Dave, you ask? The answer is simple – there is no way that anyone in their right mind might consider hiring a person named Wootir to manage their monetary affairs. Yes, that is right. Dave the Unicorn became an accountant.