Matt Stratton | Aug 6, 2002 min read

Well, the Windy City Lindy Exchange is coming up!

This weekend, Chicago will be over-run by swing dancers from around the country. It’s madness I tell you, madness!

It’s going to make my weekend nutty…and it was nutty already!

I’ve got five people staying with me for the weekend –

Amy from Atlanta

Dallas from Columbus

Dallas is drunk!

Eli from NYC

Eli is floral!

Ronni and Steve from St. Louis

Steve and Ronni are sexy!

It’s gonna be madness, sheer madness.

Friday night I’m having a small cocktail party before the main dance…which I will not be going to.

Saturday morning, I have to be at the editing suite by 7 AM. Then, we have the Micetro at Beat Kitchen at 3. After that, it’s dancing to John Burnett at the Hilton Chicago, and then Late Night at Studio X.

Sunday morning, back to editing at 7 AM. Dallas and I have a GTF meeting in the afternoon, and then there is no way we are gonna miss Lesley Byers and the Jazz Cats at the Willowbrook Ballroom that night.