Matt Stratton | Jul 29, 2002 min read

Did some post-production work this weekend. On Saturday, Andrew and I worked for six hours to cut together three minutes of footage. At this rate, it will take us about 140 hours to cut the film. I think this is not a good benchmark, though.

I’m really happy with what we got done though. Andrew’s a pretty good hand at this stuff. And I’m glad *he* is doing it, and not me. Many times in the editing room, I sat there thinking “I’m not doing ANYTHING here…shouldn’t I be doing more work?” and then I realized, “No, that’s what HE is here for. My job is to stay out of his way and tell him what I want.” One of the things about being a director I’m still getting used to; realizing that I am *supposed* to tell people what to do. It’s my job.