Why the heck were you searching for THAT?

Matt Stratton | Feb 25, 2011 min read

The strange Google searches that bring people to this blog never cease to amuse me. Here’s a random sampling of some of the more hilarious and obscure search terms that brought in traffic to Good Old Rock in the past 30 days:

“I’m scared of dolphins” – Clearly, this was how Tyra Banks found my blog.

“Karolina stefanski” – This one really confused me, because I have no idea who this is. A quick search of my blog pointed out that the list of  “20 Things You Don’t Know About Kissing” that I re-posted back in 2003 was actually written by her.

“How to say happy birthday to my wife” – Pro tip: Open your mouth. Form the words “Happy Birthday”. Direct them towards your wife. Then thank the powers that be that somehow you, a person who has to use Google to figure this out, managed to find someone to love you.

“Boobs get in the way when typing on iPhone” – I don’t know what is stranger – that someone has this issue, or that they actually thought Google might provide them with a solution.

What are some of the more amusing search terms that bring people to YOUR blog?