Most people on the webbertubes have, by now, heard of Twitter. You might even use it. But only the true, power-users of Twitter know these ten facts:
- Nasa has been broadcasting tweets into space since 1972. The first one will reach Omicron Persei 8 in the year 2059.
- If you have more than 50 tweets that contain the word “monetize” all future tweets are automatically marked with #annoyingdbag.
- All of @feliciaday‘s tweets are written by robots. Sexy, sexy robots.
- According to international law, once @neilhimself reaches 1,000,000 followers he will be named Supreme President of the World.
- There are three companies who have a secret deal with Twitter that allows them to data mine all tweets for targeted advertising purposes. These companies are Microsoft, Haliburton, and whoever it is that sells the Snuggie.
- In the future, all resumes will have to be written in 140 characters or less.
- There is a law dating back to the late 1800’s making it illegal to use the term “tweeple” to refer to users of Twitter “in the presence of a person of the female sex” in Alton, Illinois.
- If you take the first character of the first fifteen tweets by @wilw and re-arrange them, it spells out “I heart Wesley Crusher!”
- @FakeSarahPalin was actually John McCain.
- If you tweet more than 10 times an hour, your name goes on a special list. You don’t want to be on that list.