I’m afraid of dolphins too!

Posted on Sunday, Oct 19, 2008

Carrie and Matt with Joel McHale
Originally uploaded by Matt Stratton.

Last night Carrie and I drove over an hour to Waukegan to see Joel McHale (of The Soup fame) perform stand-up.

It was well worth it.

First, however, we had dinner at the Bavarian Lodge, which is a restaurant pretty close to our new house. I had a pumpkin ale brewed in Holland, Michigan as well as wiener schnitzel, and Carrie had pork loin. It was okay.

On the hour-long drive to Waukegan, we discussed what we would name our children if we had twins. No, Carrie is not pregnant, but this is what we do to entertain ourselves on long car rides when there’s nothing good on Lucy.

Our seats for the show were decent – towards the back (but it was a small theater) and right on the aisle. This would prove important later.

I misremember the guy who opened for Joel (Chris something) but apparently he does the voice of a cow named Otis on a Nickelodeon show and he is also on Attack of the Show on G4. He was pretty hilarious.

Then Joel took the stage. The first words out of his mouth? “OPRAH’S VAH-JAY-JAY!”

He started off a little shaky, for about two minutes, but he really was funny. He was his best when he was in his element of skewering reality TV, but even his bits about his kids were funny. He finished up with his old standby, which was to verbally destroy Tyra Banks. I loved every minute of it.

After the show was over, Carrie and I were among the first people out (due to our seats), and we practically walked into the woman saying “the line for Joel’s autograph starts here!” So we were first in line.

Unfortunately, we didn’t have any cash on us, so we didn’t get to buy a t-shirt to have it autographed (I would have loved a Spaghetti Cat shirt), but Joel was still magnanimous. He is a lot taller in person.

Seacrest out!

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